Towards a sustainable future - Serbian Cement Industry Association started with a series of educational workshops
In the premises of the Association of Cement Industry of Serbia (CIS), the first educational workshop for media representatives entitled "Use of municipal and industrial waste in the cement production process" was held. The main objective of this workshop is sharing previous experiences and introduction of media representatives with the cement production process as well as the effects of the use of fuels produced from municipal and industrial waste to the manufacturing process, the quality of the final product and the environment.
About characteristics of the technological process of cement production, possibilities and ways of using alternative fuels, as well as the situation in Serbia and the experiences of developed countries in the EU spoke Ph.D. Aleksandar Jovovic, professor in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade.
Radmila Serović, head of the Department of Waste Management in the Ministry of Energy, Development and Environment presented to the journalists present legal framework in the field of waste management, methods and procedures for obtaining permits for the use of waste in facilities for the cement production, as well as flows of information and dissemination of data or the transparency of the Ministry of Energy, Development and the Environment.
Download presentation: Upotreba komunalnog i industrijskog otpada u cementnoj industriji (A.Jovović)
Download presentation: Obaveze subjekta sistema upravljanja (R.Šerović)